This is my original lighting plan for the A2 drama exams for the woods set, this was a difficult design to follow because the back light was all over the place, it was also difficult to light as there was the element of water that cascaded from the lighting rig.
I had to take into account that we split the lanterns to create two different lighting moods. We had both daytime and night lighting to consider when designing this plan. Another difficulty was that I had to design the lighting in blocks to be in line with the three-point fan method. That would be an easy task for a standard lighting design but for this set we had the audience in an arch in the corner of the set and the performance space in the opposite corner and in the whole space so we had to design the lighting to be facing diagonally.
The numbers on the plan that are circled correspond to the channels that the lanterns will be assigned to. The uncircled numbers correspond to the socket number that the lanterns will be plugged into.
The manual drawing was produced in conjunction with the director when discussing the overall concept. Once ideas had been confirmed and the director had seen the above drawing this was transferred onto a 2D design using the software 'LXFreeJava'.
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